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Shut down in a sentence

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Sentence count:182+8Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: closeclose downclose upfoldSimilar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorsMeaning: v. cease to operate or cause to cease operating. 
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121. The oil company British Petroleum has shut down a pipeline connecting the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in Alaska to the Trans-Alaska pipeline.
122. Chalet, 69, worked as a mediator for Fais-Moi Signe for nine years until the organization shut down last year.
123. Although furloughed workers got retroactive pay during the last shut down, but many predict that won't be the case this time around.
124. When attaching the external drive, make sure the server has been shut down and powered off.
125. Google is therefore more likely to voluntarily shut down its search operation if it is unable to reach a compromise with China, rather than unilaterally lift censorship, she said.
126. Jewish-owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars. The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in.
127. I want all available vehicles to shut down the road to the courthouse!
128. Due to technical problems, the KuKuChew blog aggregator is shut down. Sorry for any inconveniences.
129. China 2 world hvac web is shut down on Jan, 2005. Thanks to you all!
130. Once her brain function ceased, her cardiovascular system shut down.
131. Workers at Toyota’s auto part suppliers in Tianjin also staged strikes in June, forcing Toyota’s largest Chinese assembly plant to shut down.
132. The Balaklala smelter was finally shut down in July, 1911.
133. Godrej and Boyce - the last company left in the world that was still manufacturing typewriters - has shut down its production plant in Mumbai, India with just a few hundred machines left in stock.
134. And then we must come to hand, and shut down, without a little mercy.
135. A year later, another saboteur shut down the entire National Association of Securities'automated quotation system.
136. A rollback segment is only online until the instance is shut down.
137. This is a simple, dialog-based application that allows a user to shut down a remote or local machine, using any domain or local account that has remote shut-down privileges.
138. In break time or before moving to another vibrating point, shut down power.
139. If you don't need regular background jobs, you can shut down anacron and crond; if you don't mind hard-coding your network settings, you can shut down dhclient.
140. It has been an anachronism for decades, and trying to shut down since 2000.
141. When a reactor core is shut down, its energy output drops not to zero, but about 6% of its normal output, Forsberg told me.
142. This machine can motorise pay-off not only loose tube of optical fiber but also loose tube of optical fiber ribbon, and it can shut down once buldgy part is detected.
143. The Carlyle Group CYL.UL last year shut down its Asia leverage finance group, which had been set up in 2007 as the region's first dedicated leverage team among private equity funds.
144. The company shut down its film manufacturing operations and effectivelythe door on Polaroid instant photography.
145. We were forced to shut down our Jefferson Avenue plant for a couple of days.
146. Evasive action was not taken, so the process was allowed to go off - spec or shut down.
147. To shut down Derby, however, this connection URL must be devoid of any reference to a database name.
148. Control rods are used in a PWR typically to change the power level and also to shut down the reactor.
149. He shut down his 3,000-acre Neverland Ranch, with its amusement park rides, petting zoo and statues of children.
150. When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all in the same boat.
More similar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorswithout doubtget downset downbeat downget down towash upfinish upnext dooreminent domaindowndownsgo downshadowwidowrun downhand downhold downlay downdo withlie downshadowyfall down
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